3 Ways Your Gated Parking Technology Can Provide an Additional Revenue Stream Beyond Parking

Posted: Sep 26, 2023 9:25AM ET • 2.5 min read

3 Ways Your Gated Parking Technology Can Provide an Additional Revenue Stream Beyond Parking

Parking facilities have evolved from a place to park a vehicle to integral hubs for customer engagement Beyond their primary function, these spaces offer parking facility managers a unique advertising opportunity. How? You can boost revenue by utilizing a display screen, barrier gate arms, and parking tickets while enhancing customer experiences. Here’s how.

 1.  Use display screens to provide integral information to your customers at entry and exit points.

Display screens at parking entry and exit points offer a golden opportunity for advertisements to shine. Their high visibility ensures every visitor becomes a potential customer for showcased products or services. The dynamic nature of these screens allows for engaging content to be displayed, including videos, increasing the effectiveness of advertisements. Additionally, targeted marketing ensures that displayed ads resonate with the specific audience, resulting in a higher likelihood of conversion. By utilizing display screens, parking facilities create an additional revenue stream and provide advertisers with a powerful platform to connect with a localized and engaged audience, enhancing the overall customer experience.  If advertising is not a preferred option, these display screens still prove highly versatile for parking facility managers, serving as invaluable tools to furnish customers with real-time updates on parking lot occupancy, rates, and other lot details.

2.  Turn your barrier gate arm into a revenue-producing ad.

The often-overlooked barrier gate arm can serve as an effective advertising space. Positioned at entry and exit points, they ensure that advertisements gain maximum visibility and exposure. The simplicity of messages on barrier gate arms can make them remarkably memorable, leaving a lasting impression on visitors. This prime advertisement space can be used to advertise your products and services or sell the space to third-party advertisers for an additional revenue stream. This dual benefit transforms barrier gate arms into an unexpected but powerful tool for maximizing business revenue capture.

3.  Place brand messaging directly in the hands of your customers with advertisements on parking tickets.

Parking tickets hold significant advertising potential. They serve as tangible takeaways for every visitor, ensuring that advertised content travels with them. Parking facilities can boost user engagement by adding interactive elements like QR codes to tickets, making the advertising experience more interactive and memorable. Customization allows for timely promotions, prompting immediate action from customers. Furthermore, including feedback mechanisms on tickets provides valuable data insights into the effectiveness of advertising strategies. Parking tickets emerge as an unexpected yet influential advertising tool that leaves a lasting impression on customers while driving revenue and engagement.

Gated parking solutions offer many advertising opportunities through display screens, barrier gate arms, and parking tickets. By strategically leveraging these tools, parking facilities can maximize revenue and enhance customer experiences, create valuable partnerships, and provide advertisers with a unique and effective platform to reach their target audience. Parking facilities are no longer just spaces to park. They are engaging advertising mediums that drive revenue and customer engagement simultaneously.


Green P parking advertisement opportunities - precise ParkLink: Parking management services. Precise ParkLink. (n.d.). https://www.preciseparklink.com/city-of-toronto-green-p-parking-receipt-ad-opportunities#benefits  

How does smart parking generate new revenue streams?. Trakaid. (2022, October 4). https://www.trakaid.com/how-does-smart-parking-generate-new-revenue-streams/   

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Headshot of Lui Venir, Director of Client Relations Management, Precise ParkLink

Lui Venir
Account Executive

Lui is a key contributing voice to the successful implementation of the turnkey parking management solutions we offer our clients. He works directly with stakeholders to design their solutions, creating the perfect combination of automated processes and management services for an efficient parking operation.

With a decade of experience as an account manager with Precise ParkLink and a total of 20 years of experience in technical project implementation, Lui has developed an unmatched grasp of the factors that lead to a successful implementation — a clear understanding of the client’s needs, effective revenue control systems, and streamlined processes.



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