10 Emerging Technologies to Consider When Developing Your Future Parking Technology Strategy

Posted: Jan, 17, 2023 11:02PM ET • 3 min read

Parking garage

Technology is evolving faster than many organizations can keep pace. It unlocks new opportunities to advance business strategies, meet operational objectives and fulfill customers' needs. The parking and mobility industry is leading with technology at the forefront of successfully managing parking operations and creating seamless parking experiences.  

However, the abundance of technologies makes it difficult to sift through the noise and determine the right fit for your business. Stay ahead of emerging trends by incorporating these ten technologies into your future parking technology strategy

  1. Artificial intelligence (AI): software algorithms capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as decision-making, language translation, and visual and speech recognition.

  2. Augmented reality (AR): the addition of information or visuals to the physical world—such as graphics and audio overlays, using external devices capable of rendering and displaying information.

  3. Blockchain: a digital way of recording and confirming transactions and smart contracts. This technology can verify transactions without a central clearing authority like a bank.

  4. Cybersecurity: protecting critical systems and sensitive information against digital threats or attacks, whether from inside or outside of your organization.

  5. Drones: Devices that can fly or move without a human pilot and can be controlled remotely by onboard computers.

  6. Internet of things (IoT): a network of objects such as devices or vehicles— with sensors, software, and computer capability that allow them to be monitored and remotely controlled easily.

  7. Robotics: machines or virtual agents that assist human activities, such as performing strenuous, dangerous, or repetitive tasks.

  8. Virtual reality (VR): provides immersive experiences using computer-generated simulations of 3d images or complete environments.

  9. 3D printing: otherwise referred to as additive manufacturing, it is used by manufacturers to create 3D objects from digital models.

  10. 3D mapping: otherwise known as spatial mapping, creates a 3-dimensional, dynamic map of a specific location that allows users to virtually immerse themselves into their environment without physically being there.

These essential technologies have undoubtedly made their way into every aspect of our lives—maybe without us even realizing it. Considering new and emerging technologies when developing your future parking strategies is important to ensure that you are continually evolving alongside societal needs.


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Luigi Lato
Chief Operating Officer

As Chief Operating Officer at Precise ParkLink, Luigi provides executive support for Precise ParkLink clients during the implementation phase and throughout the life of the contract, acting as Precise ParkLink’s clients’ project champion. He has a degree in telecommunications technology from Ryerson University as well as further accreditations from York University in project management and executive leadership. Before joining Precise ParkLink in 2000, Luigi worked at the Toronto East General Hospital (now the Michael Garron Hospital), rising to the role of Director of Information Technology. Today, he leverages his expertise and experience to make Precise ParkLink the technology-first company that has grown to be a leader in the Canadian parking market. Luigi’s responsibilities today include guiding investments in research and development to create innovative solutions for clients, managing client relationships at the highest level, and leveraging his analytical and numbers-oriented problem-solving skills to support partner organizations in their endeavours.



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