How Technology Can Improve the Parking Experience at Hospitals

Posted: Nov, 26, 2020 11:43AM ET • 3 min read

Gated parking system in a parking garage

Originally published on SecurePark.

When it comes to hospital parking resources, one of the biggest priorities is finding solutions that not only work well for patients and visitors, but those that also support the hospital’s operational goals. In order for hospitals to operate efficiently, it’s crucial for patients, staff and visitors to be able to come and go easily and safely. Not having the right procedures in place can cause delayed or missed appointments, a build-up in traffic and increased stress among patients and staff. As we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic and hospitals see an even larger influx of visitors, parking continues to be a primary concern.

Here are a few ways hospitals can use parking technology to improve the parking experience and better assist staff, patients and visitors as they enter and exit the facility. 

Discounted Parking for Frequent Visitors 

Hospitals can lower parking costs by offering discounted parking passes for those who visit the hospital more than once or twice a week. Oftentimes, those who visit hospitals frequently are either family members visiting in-patients, or patients with chronic medical conditions that require consistent care. Regardless of the circumstances, these individuals are likely facing costly parking fees on a weekly or even daily basis. Offering a lower rate gives hospitals and parking managers the opportunity to reduce this financial burden for patients and their families. 

Permits for Staff Members 

In most hospitals, staff members acquire a permit that allows them to enter a separate parking lot. This is a great way to not only minimize traffic congestion but also provides doctors and nurses a convenient spot to park their vehicles. To make things even more efficient, a parking software can digitally record permits so that staff members don’t need to carry around a physical parking pass. Through a simple license plate scan, parking officers can easily identify staff parkers and ensure no vehicles are in violation.

Complimentary Parking for COVID-19 Testers 

In a pandemic environment, parking software can directly support the increase of short-term visitors. With more COVID-19 tests being done, hospitals are seeing an increase of these visitor types. Since these tests are relatively quick, hospitals can consider offering complimentary or discounted parking to these individuals to ensure compliance and minimize congestion. It also allows hospitals to create a separate parking area for COVID-19 testers, with the ability to offer free or time-limited free parking. This not only improves the parking experience for visitors, but is also a great way to support the community during these difficult times. 

Contactless Parking

With health, safety and sanitary measures at an all-time high, parking software makes it easier for hospitals to manage parking resources in a contactless way. This helps to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, promote compliance, and most importantly, help protect the well-being of enforcement officers, staff and visitors. Making this effort to show staff and visitors that you are taking practical steps to make their hospital visit as safe as possible, even in the parking experience, can only produce positive results.

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