3 Reasons Why You Need To Invest In Live Central Monitoring with Remote Response and Control Capabilities

Posted: Dec, 20, 2021 9:58AM ET • 3 min read

Wall of TVs with people watching security footage

Immediate service and support for your parking facility.

The parking and mobility industry is changing—and for the better. As society's needs continue to evolve, so do the parking solutions that make up a successful operation. Organizations keep pace by investing in solutions that keep their facilities running smoothly while improving performance and lowering operational costs. One of the key players? Onsite parking support.

However, traditional support with onsite parking attendants is slowly being replenished with technology that can seamlessly monitor and control parking operations from a remote facility. These remote or live-central monitoring facilities leverage best-in-class management and technical integration capable of managing technology onsite, responding to on-demand customer service inquiries and monitoring system health, all in real-time, from behind the scenes.

Live central monitoring with remote response and control capabilities allows property managers to manage growing parking demands while excelling operational success.

Enhanced Customer Service and Technical Performance

Customer service is at the forefront of any successful parking operation. That is why a remote monitoring and response center provides support on a 24/7/365 basis with immediate response to all customer service matters. But that's not all. This solution can also monitor the performance and status of your parking equipment, with immediate back-end troubleshooting and technician dispatch capabilities, ensuring your system is satisfying customer needs at all times.

Remote monitoring is flexible and can be configured to meet your parking facility's unique needs. It can be used to support or substitute to onsite parking attendants ensuring your ongoing customer and operational requirements are taken care of at all times. 

Reduced Operating Expenses

Remote monitoring and response for your parking facility allow you to enjoy the same peace of mind as you would with onsite parking attendants, but at a fraction of the cost. A live central monitoring facility can be a great addition to onsite attendants or a substitute altogether, helping you put your budget where it's needed most. The best part? Your customers can experience the same level of support all while you secure increased revenue.  

Remote monitoring and response facilities allow for profitable operations, pinpointing and tracking the exact cause of system disruptions, so your facility remains up and running at all times.

Increased Revenue

Reduced operational costs for your facility mean increased revenue for you. Investing in a parking system that can be integrated with a remote monitoring and response facility allows you to stabilize parking revenue. How? Thanks to real-time system performance alerts and alarms, instant back-end troubleshooting capabilities and technician dispatch protocols, service issues are detected, evaluated and responded to immediately, limiting operational exhaustion.

Remote monitoring and response are more than your average parking solution. It gives you an inside look into your operation, allowing you to manage your parking operation with utmost efficiency from anywhere, anytime.


How to Keep Your Parking Operation Costs Low. (2020, September 10). [web log]. https://www.parkingindustry.ca/parking-management/how-to-keep-the-cost-of-your-parking-operation-low?rq=how%20to%20keep%20your%20costs%20low

Sih, W. (2020, August 20). Why Parking Facilities Need Live Central Monitoring and Integrated Cameras [web log]. https://www.parkingindustry.ca/feature-articles/why-parking-facilities-need-live-central-monitoring-and-integrated-cameras?rq=live%20central%20monitoring

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Nancy Ho
Director, Customer Support Services

In her role as the Director of Customer Support Services at Precise ParkLink, Nancy oversees the approximately fifty people who monitor Precise ParkLink’s clients’ equipment and interact with their customers. As the head of the IPASS, IPARC, and e-service divisions, Nancy is directly responsible for developing the practices that guide the professional customer service the representatives provide, supporting the employees in delivering the best possible service to their clients, and working with the R&D team to ensure the representatives always have the most effective tools to support the clients. Nancy has developed an ability to quickly identify and solve problems, keep an open line of communication as well as an open door policy for her staff, and set an example of dependability and reliability that inform the culture of Precise ParkLink’s monitoring and customer service divisions.



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