3 Benefits A Loyalty Program Can Have For Your Parking Operation

Posted: May, 04, 2022 3:36PM ET • 2 min read

Female using cell phone with 5 stars over top of the phone

Gone are the days where your brand’s products and services could speak for themselves, enticing customers to stick around for the long haul. As replicas continue to flood the market, product differentiation is difficult now more than ever. This has caused businesses to ask themselves, how does one stand out? That’s where loyalty programs come in—an incentive that turns the everyday customer into a company loyalist.

Believe it or not, this is no different for the parking industry. Implementing a customer loyalty program can help your organization build customer relationships that last.

1. Increased Customer Retention

It's simple—when a customer enjoys interacting with your organization, they will most likely return. Loyalty programs help to strengthen customer relationships by providing a "reward" for their continued patronage. Introducing a customer loyalty program into your parking facility will do just that. Loyalty programs can be customized to meet your business and its customers' needs, allowing you to retain customers and drive site visibility. Growth is the underlying driver of such incentives and is equally cost-effective, delivering better returns in the long run.

2. Insight Into Customer Data and Consumer Trends

Loyalty programs are a vital tool for retaining and understanding customer data. When customers register, their consumer trends, including their behaviour, buying habits and preferences, are analyzed. This data gives organizations snapshot into the customer journey and also allows you to guide their actions strategically. Being aware of your customers’ needs is different from understanding and acting on them. This will enable organizations to better their facilities based on their customer’s needs, thus improving their experience every step of the way.

3. Improved Customer Service and Communication

A loyalty program offers an organization a direct line of communication with its customers. This allows them to capitalize on customer service and marketing opportunities. It is a streamlined way for your customers to get the most out of their parking experience, helping put your facility on the map. When your customer is satisfied, your organization will reap the benefits.

When it comes to building loyalty with your customers, a loyalty program can help you get there that much sooner. The combination of reliable products and services and valuable incentives will show new and existing customers that their needs are at the forefront and will continue to build lasting relationships for years to come.


Ogino, S. (2021, March 03). The 10 Most Important Pros And Cons Of Loyalty Programs. Retrieved March 18, 2021, from https://www.annexcloud.com/blog/10-pros-and-cons-of-loyalty-programs/

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Maria Fiorini
Director, Marketing & Communications

The National Parking Associations 40 Under 40 Class of 2021, Maria oversees a talented team marketers and graphic designers who are dedicated to applying innovative marketing techniques to improve our clients’ profitability. Under Maria’s leadership since 2018, the marketing team has grown significantly as their successes have only increased demand for their services. Among her many accomplishments during her tenure with Precise ParkLink, she spearheaded our digital marketing strategy, a program that has helped several prominent clients see substantial gains in their revenue. Currently, she is leading our Urban Mobility campaign, leveraging her extensive digital marketing experience and intuitive understanding of technology trends within the parking industry. As an innovator, entrepreneur, and someone who appreciates creative, outside-the-box thinking, she firmly believes “there’s a solution to every problem.”



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